Burial Services
Burial Services
We as a funeral home realize that we deal with all types of people. All with different backgrounds, upbringing, beliefs, and their own personal wishes and thoughts of what a funeral service should mean to them and their loved ones. This is why we are dedicated to all families in listening and understanding them in what they want to get out of a funeral service.
Our Burial Packages
Services may be personalized in various ways. Families may choose to include, with a service or visitation, personal effects that mean a great deal to the deceased's family and friends, as well as, the deceased themselves. Some examples of personalization include: special music to be played at a service, or pictures to be displayed, items that were part of a particular passion in someone’s life. These items may be displayed on a memory table, or a memory board. Personalization is a welcome part of any service that is to be of remembrance of a loved one.

The services are conducted on the following day of the visitation/receiving of friends and family. It includes, but not limited to:
- Professional services of funeral director and staff
- Embalming
- Other Preparation of the body (Dressing, casketing, cosmetizing and all related services that are not part of the embalming process.)
- Transfer of deceased into the care of the funeral home from place of death
- Hearse
- Flower truck
- Visitation at your church or the funeral home the night prior to service
- Servicing the funeral at your church, funeral home, or graveside
- Register book
- Acknowledgement Cards
- Memorial Folders
- Laminated Obituaries
- Personalized DVD Tribute
- Cemetery Tent where applicable
- Home Equipment
- Temporary Grave Marker where applicable

The services are conducted on the same day as the visitation/receiving of friends and family. It includes, but not limited to:
- Professional services of funeral director and staff
- Embalming
- Other Preparation of the body (Dressing, casketing, cosmetizing and all related services that are not part of the embalming process.)
- Transfer of deceased into the care of the funeral home from place of death
- Hearse
- Flower truck
- Visitation at your church or the funeral home on the same day just prior to service
- Servicing the funeral at your church, the funeral home or graveside
- Register book
- Acknowledgement Cards
- Memorial Folders
- Laminated Obituaries
- Personalized DVD Tribute
- Cemetery Tent where applicable
- Home Equipment
- Temporary Grave Marker where applicable
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The services are conducted on the same day as the visitation/receiving of friends and family. It includes, but not limited to:
- Professional services of funeral director and staff
- Embalming
- Other Preparation of the body (Dressing, casketing, cosmetizing and all related services that are not part of the embalming process.)
- Transfer of deceased into the care of the funeral home from place of death
- Hearse
- Flower truck
- Visitation at your church or the funeral home on the same day just prior to service
- Servicing the funeral at the graveside
- Register book
- Acknowledgement Cards
- Memorial Folders
- Laminated Obituaries
- Personalized DVD Tribute
- Cemetery Tent where applicable
- Home Equipment
- Temporary Grave Marker where applicable

The service is for an immediate burial without any attendant rites or ceremonies. It includes, but not limited to:
- Professional services of funeral director and staff
- Transfer of deceased into the care of the funeral home from place of death
- Hearse
- Cemetery Tent where applicable
- Temporary Grave marker where applicable
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All of the above services unless specifically stated do not include any type of casket, outer burial container, clothing, cash advance items (i.e., Cemetery Fees, Death Certificates, Newspaper Charges, Flowers, etc.), or anything else not specifically stated on our General Price List under the applicable offering. You have the right and may wish to use the itemized selections from the General Price List in lieu of the package selections.
For more information about burials, or about any other services we offer, or if you have any particular questions or concerns, please feel free to request more information from us, or just stop by our funeral home. We will be happy to send, or discuss with you any information that would help answer your questions. Contact us today to speak with one of our funeral directors or call us directly at 704-933-2131 or 1-800-942-2131 to setup an appointment to come in or we can come to you.